Healing Lies Within…
Literature and personal coaching that promotes a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

The complete guide to wellness.
Inner peace. Balance, Wellness. Prosperity. These words are often used as hashtags on social media, but are they attainable in real life? In The Progress of Elimination, “The Elestial Healer,” Chelon Robinson educates her readers on how to rid their minds and bodies of all things toxic through the transformative power of natural restoration. Do you want the keys to unlock a magical life and become the best version of yourself? This concise guide will help you get there. Let your journey to total wellness begin with love and The Progress of Elimination. Healing lies within.

Author & Founder
Chelon Robinson was raised in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the West Oak Lane neighborhood affectionately referred to as “Uptown.” After maintaining a corporate career for almost two decades, Chelon felt a calling to change her focus. A devoted mother of two, Chelon’s shift to a holistic lifestyle began in 2016 after giving birth to her second child. Her journey to wellness began with a three-day detox. She took it a step further by implementing a vegan lifestyle and watched her weight drop over time from 186 pounds down to 109. She devoted herself to learning all she could about the holistic lifestyle, and in 2017 launched her health and wellness brand, Che’Chelonsway. Chelon expanded her brand in 2021, with Chechelonsway’s Bookshelf, LLC, a publishing company dedicated to educating others by providing literature that promotes a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Her mission, in her own words, is, “Everything I create, including my products, is based on my research, conceived with intention and purpose and made with love. The remedy for love is to love more.”

“The remedy for love is to love more.”
Achieve inner peace, balance, wellness, and prosperity with guidance from the “Elestial Healer” and literature from Chechelonsway’s Bookshelf. Start with The Progress of Elimination to jumpstart your journey to wellness, subscribe to receive updates and enlightening information, and contact Chelon Robinson for a personal consultation.

Book a Consultation
If you have any questions or would like assistance implementing the life-altering practices found in The Progress of Elimination into your daily routine, please contact me directly. It is my mission to help as many people as possible achieve their personal goals of eliminating toxicity from their lives. Do not hesitate to reach out if you would like me to guide you on your journey to total wellness. Ase’